Gone Mobile

Your input and output for .NET Mobile & MAUI app development

About the show

All the latest in .NET Mobile & MAUI (formerly Xamarin) developer technologies, covering in-depth topics ranging from Android, iOS, macOS and Windows, to mobile marketing, design and more!


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    18: Securing Mobile Apps with Troy Hunt

    October 13th, 2014  |  1 hr 3 mins

    Security is more important today than ever, and mobile apps are no different. Troy Hunt joins us to talk about some common mistakes developers make when developing APIs and apps, and some practical approaches to securing them.

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    17: What's New in iOS8

    October 2nd, 2014  |  1 hr 6 mins
    ios, xamarin

    Join us again for our annual show discussing all the new features in the latest version of iOS! Mike Bluestein joins us once more, and there's lots to talk about!

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    16: iBeacons

    September 8th, 2014  |  50 mins 45 secs

    iBeacons are an emerging technology with a lot of exciting applications. In this episode we talked to Doug Thompson to dive into what they are, how they're used, and where beacons are heading in the future.

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    15: Azure Mobile Services

    August 27th, 2014  |  53 mins 3 secs

    Learn all about Azure Mobile Services from some fine folks at Microsoft. We sit down with Kirill and Yavor to talk about the many features of Azure, specifically relating to mobile!

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    14: Building Apps on the Cheap

    July 28th, 2014  |  36 mins 32 secs

    Not every app has to have a massive budget. Kevin Knoop joins us this episode to talk about his experiences with building apps on the cheap. You'll be surprised how little his House Alarm app costs him to run!

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    13: Xamarin.Forms

    July 14th, 2014  |  40 mins 43 secs

    Learn how to build cross platform, native apps using Xamarin.Forms! We talk to Jason Smith, one of the developers of Xamarin.Forms about the product, it's strengths and weaknesses over other MVVM libraries, and how to get started!

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    12: AppLinks are Riveting

    May 30th, 2014  |  29 mins 28 secs

    Find out what exactly AppLinks are, how they work, and how you can use Rivets to add support for them to your own .NET apps.

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    11: Portable Class Libraries (PCL's) with James Montemagno

    May 5th, 2014  |  38 mins 33 secs

    James Montemagno from Xamarin discusses Portable Class Libraries with us. Learn what PCL's are, how to use them in your Xamarin projects, and what the Advanced PCL or Bait and Switch PCL trick exactly is (hint: use platform specific code with PCL's!).

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    10: Couchbase Lite

    March 25th, 2014  |  1 hr 3 mins

    Wayne Carter from Couchbase and Zack Gramana from Xamarin talk to us about Couchbase Lite for Mobile.

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    8: Ben Bishop's Monkey Arms

    January 24th, 2014  |  50 mins 35 secs

    Ben's been working on an interesting new framework called Monkey Arms which is inspired by Robot Legs for Flash.

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    7: The F# is for Frank Krueger

    December 19th, 2013  |  54 mins 50 secs

    We force Frank Krueger to talk to us about F#!

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    6: Jesse Liberty and Xamarin.Android

    November 26th, 2013  |  1 hr 1 min
    falafel, xamarin

    Jesse Liberty talks to us about his recent ventures into Mobile development with Xamarin.Android!

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    5: MonoGame with Jonathan Peppers

    November 4th, 2013  |  49 mins 12 secs
    monogame, xamarin

    We sit down with Jonathan Peppers from Hitcents to talk about writing Games using MonoGame and Xamarin for iOS, Android, Windows and more!

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    4: Tracking Errors with Raygun

    October 14th, 2013  |  51 mins 42 secs

    We sit down with John-Daniel Trask and Jeremy Boyd of Mindscape to talk about their Error Reporting service Raygun.io and how it fits in with Mobile and Xamarin apps.

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    3: Bettsing on Reactive

    October 1st, 2013  |  56 mins 9 secs

    Paul Betts talks with us about all things Reactive: Reactive Extensions (Rx), Reactive UI (RxUI), and how they fit together in a Microsoft and Xamarin mobile world. Paul also discusses his Akavache and Splat libraries, and his new Live-coding experiment!

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    2: iOS7 Loving the Tint

    September 20th, 2013  |  1 hr 1 min

    What's new in iOS7? In this episode, we talk to Mike Bluestein from Xamarin to hear his thoughts on some of the new iOS7 API's such as UIKit Dynamics, Sprite Kit, Text Kit and more! We also debate the merits of the new iPhone 5C, and discuss the other new hardware including Touch ID.