When it comes to designing and consuming APIs there is no shortage of approaches out there. In this episode we talk to Darrel Miller about many of these approaches, and ways to design both sides in a modern way to help keep things maintainable and evolvable over time.
- Xamarin Evolve 2014: Use Hypermedia for less App Store Hassle
- HTTP: 1.1
- HTTP: Message Syntax and Routing
- HTTP: Semantics and Content
- HTTP: Range Requests
- HTTP: Caching
- Fielding's dissertation
- Designing Evolvable Web APIs with ASP.NET
- GitHub's API - Hypermedia
- OData - Batch Processing
- Collection+JSON
- Runscope.WebPack
- Tavis.UrlTemplates
- Tavis.PrivateCache
- GitLinks