David Ortinau
Special guest
David Ortinau has been a guest on 3 episodes.
100: 100th Episode Celebration with David & Maddy!
March 29th, 2024 | 1 hr 7 mins
dotnet, dotnet-maui
Special guests Maddy Montaquila and David Ortinau join us on this very special 100th episode of the podcast to talk about past, present, and future of Xamarin and .NET MAUI
70: A Xamarin.Forms 2018 Update with David Ortinau
June 27th, 2018 | 51 mins 2 secs
If you're looking for the latest and greatest news from the Xamarin.Forms world, you're in luck. In this episode we welcome David Ortinau back to the show to talk about all the new updates to Xamarin.Forms since he was last on a year ago. Spoiler alert: there's a lot!
53: Xamarin.Forms Update with David Ortinau
July 13th, 2017 | 57 mins 7 secs
On this state of the Xamarin.Forms union, we are joined by long time Xamarin community member and now PM of the Xamarin.Forms team, David Ortinau. We discuss Xamarin.Forms becoming open source, XAML Standard, Forms Embedding (and Embedded Forms), Fast Renderers, and what's next for Xamarin.Forms.